Product Update 01/24: Improvements in debugging tools, traffic source data, and event mapping

We're thrilled to kick off 2024 with some fantastic additions to the Tracklution Dashboard. Your feedback has been invaluable, and we've been working hard to provide marketing professionals with tools that elevate PPC campaign results.

Christine M.
19/01/2024 5:22 PM

Hey all Track(ing revo)lutioners,

Happy New Year! We're thrilled to kick off 2024 with some fantastic additions to the Tracklution Dashboard. Your feedback has been invaluable, and we've been working hard to provide marketing professionals with tools that elevate PPC campaign results.

Let's dive into the latest features that will make debugging and confirming your tracking setup a breeze, ensuring you get the best out of Tracklution!

In this article we will introduce new powerful debugging tools and how to map events in the Dashboard:

  1. Filter events based on event name and date range
  2. Source and UTM tags now visible in the UI
  3. Mapping events in Tracklution Dashboard

1. Filter events based on event name and date range

By default, the Processed data table lists past 5000 events. However, what to do if you want to figure out for example how many “Lead” events there were exactly on a certain date or date range? Look no further! You can use our new handy Event search.

Just type in the event name you’re searching for and select the wanted timeframe. In this example, I wanted to filter all Lead events that occurred from January 28th to January 30th, 2024. And don’t forget to press the Apply button to execute your search!

The search will return you all hits for that specific search:

At the bottom of the table you can see the amount of total events found for your search:

2. Source and UTM tags now visible in the UI

Processed Data table now also has a column that will tell you the source of a session if such source is identified.

When you drill down to the individual session level, you can also see the UTM tags recorded for this specific session.

If you want to flag specific sessions for further inspection or for example for a team member to take a look at, you can click on the little flag icon on the right side of the session row.

Flagged sessions can be filtered out with the little flag icon on the event search row at the top of the Processed Events table.

3. Mapping events in Tracklution Dashboard

Also a highly requested functionality by our users has been the ability to manually define event mappings towards the ad platforms.

In Standard and Custom Events section of the dashboard you can now review all current event mappings in use. If you haven’t edited them before, these are basically the standard mappings by Tracklution. Now you also have the possibility to remap any events sent towards individual data destinations.

Standard and Custom Events table will list all standard events by default. If you use any custom events, Tracklution will automatically catch them the first time such a custom event is recorded in the incoming data. In the picture below you can see an example of a custom event, named “MyCustomEvent”.

The Standard and Custom Events table also has a handy column that shows the number of each event recorded during the past 7 days. These numbers can be compared to your own statistics to cross-check and ensure Tracklution is receiving data uninterrupted. Also a handy way to debug Tracklution installation is done correctly!

Just press “Edit >” in any given row and you will be able to edit mappings for this specific event:

For example, you might have named a finalised purchase in your website as “PaymentCompleted” event, but you wish it to be sent to Connectors as a “Purchase” event. This kind of magic can now easily be done via the Tracklution Dashboard!

Ready to elevate your tracking experience? Explore the New Features Now »

Christine M.

Revolutionising the world of Conversion Tracking one article at a time!

Tracklutioner since May 1, 2023

Server-Side Tracking, First-Party Cookies and Conversion APIs for any website with easy installation. Simple yet powerful tracking tool for digital advertising.

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